I'm going to be talking about the following people most likely quite a bit, so I figured I would give any of my readers some visual aids, hehe.
Also, I created this blog to help keep in touch with the people I don't see very often. I've had quite a few friends move away recently, and I want to keep them as updated as if they still lived near!
However, mostly I just had to find another way to procrastinate from doing important things. For example, right now; I should be packing since I'm moving to my new apartment in a week. Instead, I'm creating a pointless blog! Go, Heather!
Anyway, I hope anyone who may read this, will enjoy it!
That's all for now!
Great updates to follow!
The Boyfriend: Philip
The Family: (L-R) Me, Luke, Mom, Dad, Tara

The Roomies: (L-R) Jess, Carley, Me
Okay I see a problem on your blog - where is my photo? Do you need me to send you and updated one so you can put it on your site? I thought since I am the future planner that I would get my own space. haha!! Later kiddo.