First and foremost, I'm ENGAGED!
Philip and I have set the date for June 25, 2011. We both wanted a Summer Wedding after we graduate so it works out perfectly!
More than likely, this blog is going to be converted into a Wedding Update blog! woohoo! I've already swamped myself with planning things! It's almost overwhelming to think about everything that goes into one wedding, but very exciting at the same time!
Okay, more on the wedding at a later date, my birthday and Christmas were both amazing! I must have been a really good girl because I got so many beautiful things, including a new ipod and camera! However, my favorite gift came from my mother. It's my first ornament for when Philip and I have our own Christmas tree.
Anyway, I hope everyone's Holidays were as merry as mine!
I'll write more soon,
Happy New Year! YAY I love that you blog!!!! ME TOOOOOOO!!!!